[beckalar.com] has some really cool kitchen stuff, to go with your transformation of what was once wasted space.
You really need to sit down for this one. Try using cabinetry or in this case, chairs without arms.
It really gives the feel of openness, thus creating that illusion of more space. And before you shrug it off as a major design faux pau to what could have been an otherwise amazing revamp of small space, check out these great “armless” designer chairs from Heal’s [heals.com]
Laundry makeover ideas for your mobile home – turn your laundry room into a kitchen!
When space is limited, you have to get it in, where you can fit it in. How about making that laundry room do more than just laundry! Seeing is believing!
Use skylights for a long narrow kitchen.
Lights and colors are 2 hacks that work well to deceive the eye, or at the very least divert attention. Soft lighting can set the tone for a comfortable cozy space while distracting from how much space there really is!
How to design doors to let the sunshine in.
Are you kidding? Who doesn’t like natural lighting to give that natural feeling of tranquility, and openness? Add a door with transparent panels and let the sunshine in, or watch the raindrops falling…
Open kitchens allure to more space.
Create the illusion of continuous space with the absence of walls! [allurebathrooms.com.au] Transfer from the kitchen to the dining room seamlessly with that open kitchen and some lovely tableware from [beckalar.com].
Straight-up wet bars are popping up more in homeowner’s remodels
What’s your pleasure? Big or small, wet or dry, concealed via cabinetry or open fully-stocked shelves, it’s up to you, point is, wet bars have made a comeback with new rule: no longer just for basements.Let [becklar.com] make shopping for your wet bar and stem ware as easy as shop and click!
Add storage, style, and extra seating with a standalone kitchen island.
Long gone are the days when the kitchen island was really an overstated cutting board and/or additional space. Now, it’s a statement of multi-purpose in and of itself. It has rapidly become a kitchen staple, and with no size, color, or design restrictions to dictate its function or appear, you define and design your kitchen island to meet your kitchen needs and your kitchen deeds.
Kitchen islands can serve multiple purposes.
Add a few bar stools or decorative seating and opt for that kitchen island to act as a makeshift conference table for a working breakfast, lunch, or dinner family meeting area. Kids need an area to work on that poster board for their school project? Or how about Mom needs a sowing table? The potential for that kitchen island is endless.
The Ultimate in Clutter Control.
This is not your grandmother’s kitchen, but if it were, surely she would insist on trays, not only for serving, but as a way to de-clutter her spices and seasonings and any other what-nots that need to be kept together. While baskets certainly are not a thing of the past, trays are making their comeback as a decorative way to bring organization to otherwise senseless clutter. “The type of tray you use to organize can vary depending on your decor and your specific needs for that area of your home.” Author: Willis, Andi April 15, 2015, Trays: The Ultimate in Clutter Control, Retrieved from: [unclebobs.com]
The Spice RackWhether for show or you really are the real deal when it comes to Chef Extraordinaire, Spice King/Queen no kitchen décor is complete without a spice rack filled with a plethora of spices. You know the less common spices that make your kitchen somehow gain an world renown feel, all because you have the spice mixes not found at your local grocery store chain. Ok, so you don’t have a collection of those seemingly high-end spices? Let Denton Spice company stock your spice rack for you with over 190+ organic and inorganic spices. [dentonspicecompany.com]
You love canned goods?No problem, except cans take up more space…and might we add, space you already don’t have. Hmmm….Ok, Kim Six (yes, that’s her real name) has done a fantastic job of helping us with those darn cans that eat away at our pantry space and our overall pantry organization. Author: Kim Six. (n.d.). The Kim Six Fix. Retrieved from [thekimsixfix.com]
How to downsize your kitchen with more room and less clutter
Mix it, color it, floor it, open it, and light it. It’s your call. Mix up some colors for a themed feel, color it shades of grey or color it with bright vibrant colors to add that splash of fun, and don’t forget to floor it with bamboo tile, hardwoods, or if going for the economical approach, vinyl flooring. Remove those hanging cabinets to open it open it and create the illusion of space, and choose recessed lighting for that warm inviting, yet cozy feel; or give it a touch of contemporary with some hanging pendant lights. You can have whatever you like! Now that’s a kitchen that’s cooking!
Storage Inspiration.
Pots and Pans are worse than cans when it comes to space bullies. The easiest way to have your space erased is with pots and pans. Their varying shapes and sizes make them difficult to store other than with a pot rack. But is a hanging pot rack the only option? Of course not, you know we mentioned this because we’ve got a suggestion for those pots and pans, that are worse than cans, The Kitchen. (n.d.). Kitchen Storage Inspiration. 15 Ways to Store Your Pots and Pans (All From Our Kitchen Tours!) Retrieved from [thekitchn.com] or for the shoestring budget, or those who love to upcycle, grab that old ladder and try this neat little idea: Author: Sara. (n.d.) LRBH Little Red Brick House. Retrieved from [littleredbrickhouse.com].
How to mix up materials: because your petite kitchen may be short on interesting architectural details, it’s up to you to add the all-important style in compelling countertop surfaces, cabinetry, fixtures, flooring, lighting and color.
Who says you cannot create your own style to suit your taste? Who knows better than you, what you are looking to accomplish in your space? Modern, contemporary, abstract, vintage, etc. Don’t be afraid to mix and match styles, textures, colors, shapes, designs, etc.Your design style just may be the next big trend!
Expand your kitchen with the use of glass and lights.
You can visually expand the size of kitchen space (or any space for that matter) with glass, because it has a transparency about it that gives the perception of distance those translating to more space than really exists. Add to that glass, the right lighting and you have created an ambiance all its own. Ever, notice how diamonds (glass) glimmer and shine in the display case, the lights make those diamonds sparkle? And yet when the salesperson takes it out of the display case, while it’s still a beautiful gemstone, somehow, it does not have that same wow-factor it did when it was in the glass cabinets with the cabinet lighting shining on it?
Mirrors will give you the illusion that you have more space.
No worries, the 1960’s didn’t call asking for their wall mirrors back, we are not talking about those mirrors, we are thinking a bit more on the contemporary side with a touch of elegance for good measure. Get some design inspiration from the folks Robern. They have an excellent gallery of photos to give you that boost of inspiration and creativity using mirrors. [robern.com]
Why flooring in a small kitchen is so important.
Choose the right flooring for your space no matter how large or small that space is, and you’ll score big because it will blend perfectly and be conspicuously inconspicuous, but choose the wrong flooring and it will stand out like that “white elephant” in the room that everyone sees, but no one wants to bring up. You get the point…
Make a small kitchen look larger by choosing the right colors.
If you can dream it, then be daring enough and do it! Kitchens are not limited to browns, whites, and neutral colors anymore! Nike said it best: “Just do it!” And while you’re at it, accessorize with tableware, glassware, and home décor from [beckalar.com]!
Small budget ideas for a small kitchen
design on a dime on steroids! If your budget is tight, these ideas for the shoestring budget are tighter! Dollar store….here we come! You are gonna love these ideas…no breaking the bank or busting the budget here!
Kitchen color tips: How the wall paint color relates to the cabinetry, countertops, tiles, molding, appliances, lighting and flooring is very important.
Golden Rule #1 of kitchen coloring: consider more than just the walls, take into consideration your kitchen theme, kitchen utensil color schemes, cookware colors, décor, etc. Unless you are willing to do an entire kitchen makeover complete with new decor and more [beckalar.com], it is important to correlate existing colors to match and reach a common color theme.
Ideas to make your kitchen beautiful and efficient – “it takes smart planning to create a multifunctional and aesthetically appealing kitchen. Here’s how to make the most of space you have”
Be open to new ideas, willing to experiment with change, and remember it’s all in a state of mind. Your small kitchen is not the “glass half empty” kitchen space, it’s the “glass half full” kitchen space –it’s a blank slate waiting to be that created masterpiece!
Solutions for narrow kitchen islands.
Want a kitchen island but don’t have one? Sure you do, chances are someone you know, if not you yourself, has one tucked away in the attic or the garage, and labeled as “junk, that needs to be donated to charity” or it’s in the category of “I have been needing to get rid of this old thing”. Well, think again, it just may be that piece of furniture that with a few tweaks, it can be relocated to the kitchen as your new kitchen island!
The latest trend in kitchen renovations is shelving.
Something so trite can make a world of difference in not only practicality but design as well. Herbert Design Build. (n.d.). Retrieved from [hebertdesignbuild.com]
Creative cost effective ideas for a small kitchen – “change an old desk into a kitchen cart or small island”
Well, well, well…lookey lookey…who’d have thought? Talk about trash becoming a treasure? The power of upcycling at its finest!
Unless you are Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street, nothing about trash is adoring! Absolutely nothing! While in most cases, out of sight does mean out of mind, trash is an altogether different story! It can be out of sight and still wreak beyond words, and therefore heavy on you and everyone else’s mind that come to your kitchen. So let’s at least deal with the out of sight part, (the smell is another article for another time); you can build/install a cabinet pullout trash can, or simply store your trash can inside your cabinetry without building or installation of any kind. Author: Kevin Purdy, July 31, 2015, The Best Small Trash Cans. Retrieved from [thesweethome.com]
Storage solutions for a small kitchen: Keep cooking items out of sight and easily accessible
Did we mention storage? Of course we did, in our first point. So here we are at our last point, closing with an emphasis on storage. Storage comes in all shapes and sizes and can be customized to meet your needs. Whether you need it built in, shelved, hidden, stacked, or contained, there is a storage method with your name it.You just gotta find the one that’s right for you.
Okay, so your kitchen wasn’t born beautiful, same holds true for some of the world’s most gorgeous supermodels, but as with them, your kitchen is not beyond the right makeover to make it perfect in areas where it lacks. Big or Small, we hope we have given you enough hacks to make you take a second look at your kitchen and a willingness to make it the kitchen you have dreamed of in terms of functionality and aesthetics.
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